

The software-controlled high-performance microscope:

  • Rapid and high-precision laser autofocus
  • Motoric 6-fold objective turret
  • Motor-controlled screens
  • Incident light axis for bright field, dark field, interference contrasting and polarization
  • Infrared and visible transmitted light, polarization optional
  • Motor-driven Z-stroke 30 mm, step resolution of 18 nm


  • Multi-camera port for mono, colour, infrared cameras
  • White-light interference
  • Confocal module
  • Precise scanning stages
  • Fiber-coupled spectrometer


INM200 with multi-substrate holder

DM8000 IS

Configuration of the Leica DM8000 by using the Promicron MCS software for semi-automatic wafer amd MEMS Inspection.


  • Infrared incident and transmitted light, applicable for spectral range VIS and NIR
  • Front to back side alignment (top/bottom alignment) on Si-wafer through silicon inspection
  • MCS Software Suite for inspection, review and a wide range of measurement tasks like line widths, overlay, layer thickness, edge heights and surface profiles
  • Scanning stages for ultra-fast Scanning on the Fly
  • White-light interferometry

IRUVIS Multispectral Microscope

Measurement and inspection microscope with multispectral configuration. The INM200 convinces with highest optical performance, fast and simple operation and ergonomics for fatigue-free working for hours.

Leica HC Optics stands for highest optical performance in visualization of the smallest structures:

  • Objective magnifications from 1.6x to 250x are possible
  • Concentration on the essentials - inspektion task - and access to many contrasting techniques (HF, DF, ICR, FL & confocal contrast)
  • Optimized and automatic setting of aperture diaphragm
  • Maximum reduction of pollution (cleanroom class 1)
  • Ideal ergonomics and maximum operating comfort

Customized Microscope Systems

Systems according to customer requirements:

Our own engineering and production possibilities enable us to realize sophisticated systems for high-resolution measurement and inspection. Therefore, we use for example the microscope INM200 as a basis - it convinces with top posibilities in terms of automation and high definition:

  • 6" and 8" scanning stages for precise and automatic program execution
  • Measurement sensor for high-precision and non-contact Z-measurement
  • White light confocal module for thin optical cuts
  • White-light interferometry (WLI)
  • Software for inspection and measurement
  • Software for application-specific tasks


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